I’m a researcher and consultant in the fields of environment and housing. Recently, my work has studied the financial and environmental value of “green” certified housing, and the potential and impact of accessory dwelling units.
My background for this work is nontraditional. I’ve researched, analyzed, and written on topics as diverse as forest ecology and the sociology of craft.
Along the way my work has been published in hard-core peer-reviewed journals like American Naturalist and Appraisal Journal, as well as popular magazines like Alternet, MAKE, and E: the Environmental Magazine. My past consulting clients and grant funders include the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Appraisers Research Foundation, the Linus Group, the National Park Service, the US Forest Service, and Watkins and Associates.
Regardless of the topic, my focus is always the same. I ask the most important questions directly; answer them with savvy reporting and statistical analysis, and express the results in a way readers can understand.
To inquire about my availability for new projects, please contact me via the links below.
Martin John Brown
Portland, Oregon, USA
(503) 736-9588
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